Creating Heap Histograms

If there is a suspected memory leak in SmartGit, in a first step a heap histogram may be helpful for further diagnosing. How a heap histogram is created depends on your operating system.


In the following, we’ll assume the presence of temporary directory C:\temp.

  • If you do not already have a recent JDK installed, get the Open JDK for Windows from:

    The ZIP bundle is sufficient; it requires no installation and can simply be moved to trash after the investigation. Unpack the bundle to C:\temp. Usually the bundle contains a single root directory named like jdk-.... In the following this unpacked directory is referred to as jdk-dir.

  • Determine SmartGit’s process ID from the Details page of the Windows Task Manager.
  • Open a command prompt and execute:

    <jdk-dir>\bin\jmap -histo <pid> > c:\temp\histo.all


    <jdk-dir>\bin\jmap -histo:live <pid> > c:\temp\

    <jdk-dir> needs to be replaced by the JDK root directory; <pid> needs to be replaced by SmartGit’s process ID.

  • Follow the instructions at the bottom of this section to send the heap histogram to our customer support.

Send us heap histograms

Compress the histo.all and files as a zip or tar/gzip archive, and also include the zipped log directory from SmartGit’s settings directory. Send this archive, as well as a short description of how to reproduce the problem, to