Environmental differences between SmartGit and command line Git

If SmartGit behaves differently compared to command line Git, this is usually caused by differences in environment variables. Environment variables may affect:

  • HOME which may result in a different .gitconfig to be used and thus affect execution of Git commands in various ways
  • other environment variables which may affect Git hooks

To investigate, first try to invoke the problematic Git command from a shell which has been forked from SmartGit:

  • from the Repositories view context menu of the repository, invoke Open Git-Shell
  • invoke the command in this shell

Usually the problem which you encounter in SmartGit is reproducible in this shell, too:

  • if so, this confirms the suspicion that it’s related to environmental differences and you should continue to compare environment variables (see below).
  • if not, first try to reproduce the problem with a clean SmartGit installation:
    • temporarily get rid of the Settings directory
    • retry the problematic operation
      • if the problem is still reproducible, compare environment variables (see below)
      • if not reproducible anymore, start reconfiguring SmartGit settings until the problem becomes reproducible

Compare environment variables:

  1. Startup SmartGit with a clean log file

  2. invoke the problematic Git command

  3. shutdown SmartGit

  4. open logs/log.txt.0 from the Settings directory and locate Environment variables in the top of the log file

  5. open a terminal/command prompt directly from your operating system and list configured environment variables by invoking:

  6. compare SmartGit’s environment with the terminal environment