Your system ran out of virtual memory


When SmartGit crashed, your computer was low on virtual memory.

This usually happens due to two reasons:

  1. One of the programs on your computer is bugged, gradually eating all available memory.
  2. You don’t have enough RAM installed and run too many programs. This shouldn’t be the case if you have at least 16GB RAM.

Windows: Diagnosing with Event Log

This is the best and easiest way to diagnose.

  1. Start Windows Event Viewer application
    1. Go to Control Panel → System and Security → Administrative Tools
    2. Start Event Viewer from there.
  2. Expand Windows Logs → System on the left.``
  3. Search for Resource-Exhaustion-Detector events
    1. Press Ctrl+F to open search box.
    2. Enter Resource-Exhaustion-Detector
    3. Search
  4. Investigate
    1. Double-click found event to view details for it.

    2. It will say something like this:

      Windows successfully diagnosed a low virtual memory condition.
      The following programs consumed the most virtual memory:
      BuggedProgram.exe (11584) consumed 55.660.101.632 bytes
      firefox.exe (5304) consumed 1.009.725.440 bytes.
    3. Look for anything suspicious
      Values above bytes are already suspicious.
      Values above bytes most likely mean that this program causes problems for you.

  5. If these steps didn’t help you, please send us a mail!


If you found the program, please let us know! This lets us help other users better.

Windows: Diagnosing with our script

To try to diagnose the problem, please download, extract all files and run AnalyseMemoryUsage.cmd :

Wait until it completes (usually takes some 10 seconds), scroll the output to the top and study it.

These are reasonable values for typical workflows:

  1. Check Available. If it’s only a few percent of Total, your system is probably going to run out of memory soon.
  2. If you’re already low on memory, check Usage breakdown.
  3. If the majority of memory is spent on running programs, continue to Programs breakdown section.
  4. If the majority of memory falls into Not explained category, check if you’re running virtual machines (VMWare, VirtualBox, Docker, WSL, etc). Otherwise, a screenshot of RAMMap (see below) will be needed to continue investigation.
  5. If unsure, please send script output to us and we’ll try to help.


If you found the program, please let us know! This lets us help other users better.

Windows: Diagnosing with RAMMap

SysInternals RAMMap is an utility that shows some additional kernel memory stats.

In typical workflows, each of these values should be below 1GB:

  1. Page Table
  2. Paged Pool
  3. Nonpaged pool
  4. System PTE (except when you run virtual machines)
  5. Session private
  6. Driver Locked
  7. Kernel Stack

If any of these counters is significantly higher then 1GB, this likely points to a problem. Diagnosing it further is different for every case.

Didn’t find the program to be blamed?

Please contact support, attaching outputs from AnalyseMemoryUsage.cmd and RAMMap and we will try to help.