Add Tag

Use Tag+Branch|Add Tag to create a copy (‘Tag’) of your local working-copy in the tags directory of your repository. Name will be the name of the tag and Location shows the corresponding location. You can create two kinds of tags:

  • Working Copy tags are a snapshot of your current working copy. This means that the base revision of the tag will be the revision of the tag root directory.
    • If the working copy contains local changes, SmartSVN will ask you whether to tag With local changes or tag Only Pristine.
      • When selecting With local changes, SmartSVN will (1) include local changes of your working copy and (2) for every file tag the exact revision as it is present in the working copy. This especially means that the tag may contain mixed revision.
      • When selecting Only Pristine neither local changes nor mixed revisions will be included for the tag. This means that if your tag root directory is at revision X and a file is at revision Y, SmartSVN will nevertheless tag the file as it is present in revision X.
    • If the working copy does not contain local changes, SmartSVN will for every file tag the exact revision as it is present in the working copy. This especially means that the tag may contain mixed revision. If there are actually mixed revisions, SmartSVN will warn you before creating the tag.
  • Repository Revision tags are ‘server-side’ tags which represent a snapshot of the repository at a given revision.


Repository Revision tags can be useful if your working copy contains local changes but you don’t want them to be part of the tag. However, in this case you should make sure that your working copy actually corresponds to the revision which you plan to tag, i.e. you should do an update to that revision beforehand and make sure that there are no switched directories.

By default, SmartSVN will Abort if the specified tag already exists. Select Replace existing one to create the tag anyway, replacing the already existing tag.

Use Externals Revisions to specify how to handle externals revisions . For details refer to Copy To Repository.


This command is similar to Modify|Copy Local to Repository (see Copy To Repository), but is tailored to the special case of ‘Tagging’.