Common Features

SmartSVN includes a set of common features and UI elements that are shared by various commands.

Recursive/Depth options

In directory mode, most commands can work recursively and non-recursively. By default, SmartSVN offers a basic option Recurse into subdirectories (or a similar name) which let’s you operate either only on the directory itself, or on the directory and all contained files and subdirectories, i.e. recursively.

Alternatively, you can switch to advanced recursion options in the Preferences. In this mode SmartSVN offers the Subversion depth levels:

  • Only this directory only operates on the directory/file itself.
  • Only file children operates on the directory and its directly contained files.
  • Immediate Children (files and directories) operates on the directory, its directly contained files and subdirectories, but not on files or directories within these subdirectories.
  • Fully recursive operates on the directory, contained files and subdirectories recursively.

Obviously, having Recurse into subdirectories selected is equivalent to depth Fully recursive while having Recurse into subdirectories deselected is equivalent to depth Only this directory.

Revision input fields

Most input fields for which you can enter a revision number, support a browse function, which can be accessed either by a Select button or by hitting <Ctrl>+<Space>-keystroke.

A dialog displaying all revisions for the selected file/directory will come up. It shows all revisions for which the directory has actually been affected and additionally all revisions which correspond to a specific tag, see Tags and Branches for further details. The Revision column shows the revision number or the corresponding tag. The other columns display the revision’s Time, Commit Message and Author, respectively. The Path column shows the revisions’s root location.

The displayed revisions are taken from the Log Cache (Log Cache), so recent revisions might not be contained in the list. In this case you can use Refresh to update the Log Cache (and implicitly the displayed revisions) from the repository.

Browse Revisions at specifies the peg revision for the location to browse. In general HEAD should be sufficient for alive locations. Otherwise, you may select the corresponding Peg Revision.


When merging revisions from replaced (and hence dead) branches, it will be necessary to enter the correct Peg Revision to identify the branch.

Repository path input fields

Most input fields for which you can enter a repository path, support a browse function, which can be accessed by the Browse or by hitting <Ctrl>+<Space>-keystroke.

The Repository Browser (Repository Browser) will come up as a dialog. Depending on the command from which the browser has been invoked, you can either select a repository file and/or a repository directory.

For certain commands – where necessary – peg-revisions are supported. Peg-revisions specify the URL of a repository path. This can be helpful when working with paths which do not exist anymore in the repository. In SmartSVN, you can append a peg-revision to a path by prefixing it with a ‘@’.


To specify a path ‘/project/path’ at revision 91, enter /project/path@91.

Tag input fields

Input fields, for which you can enter a tag, like when using Switch (Switch), support a browse function, which can be accessed by the Browse button or by hitting <Ctrl>+<Space>-keystroke.

The Tag Browser (Tag Browser) will come up to let you select a branch or tag.

For certain commands – where necessary – peg-revisions are supported. For details refer to Repository path input fields.


To specify a tag ‘my-tag’ at revision 91, enter my-tag@91.

File/directory input fields

Input fields, for which you can enter a path to a file or directory, support a browse function, which can be accessed by selecting the Choose button or by hitting <Ctrl>+<Space>-keystroke.