
SmartSVN offers following non-modifying commands – some of them work locally, others by querying the repository – from the Query menu:

  • Use Open to open the selected file or directory with the configured editor, refer to Open (Preferences).
  • Use Open in Repository Browser to open the selected file or directory in the Repository Browser.


  • Use Show Changes to compare the selected files or directory against their pristine copies. Show Changes will correspondingly open one or more File Compare frames or the Properties Compare for a directory. For details, regarding the warning limit on the number of files to compare at once, refer to Open (Preferences). No connection to the repository is required.

  • Use Compare with HEAD to compare a single, local file with the HEAD revision in the repository. If you want to compare against an arbitrary revision or some other repository file, use Compare with Revision. The result will be a File Compare frame.

  • Use Compare with Previous to compare a single, local file with the last but one revision in the repository (i.e. the revision before HEAD). If you want to compare against the HEAD revision itself, use Compare with HEAD. If you want to compare against an arbitrary revision or some other repository file, use Compare with Revision. The result will be a File Compare frame.

    Use Compare 2 Files to compare two local files with each other. No connection to the repository is required. When having one or more missing files selected, their pristine copies will be used for the comparison instead.

  • Use Compare Repository Files or Directories to show the difference between two repository directories.


  • Use Log to display the Log (i.e. the commit history) of the selected file or directory. The Log command will open the Log window.
  • Use Query|Revision Graph to open the Revision Graph for the selected file or directory.
  • Use Annotate to display contents of a file with each line prefixed by history information


  • Use Create Patch to create a ‘Unidiff’ patch for the selected files/directory. A patch shows the changes in your working copy on a per-line basis, which can for instance be sent to other developers. See Apply Patch on how to apply patches with SmartSVN.

    The patch will be written to the given local Output File. In case of creating a patch for a directory, you can select Recurse into subdirectories to create the patch recursively for all files within the selected directory.

    Select Ignore changes in EOL-Style to not output line changes for which only the line ending differs. This can be useful if, after having the line endings of a local file changed temporarily, only ‘relevant’ changes should be included in the patch.

    With For Whitespaces you can configure to not output certain changes which are only affecting whitespaces. Use No special handing to do not ignore any changes regarding whitespaces. Use Ignore changes in the amount to ignore lines for which only blocks with one or more whitespace characters have been replaced by blocks with one or more other whitespace characters. Use Ignore them completely to output only lines where anything except whitespaces has changed.

    Use Create Patch between URLs to create a ‘Unidiff’ patch between two arbitrary URLs. See Create Patch for more details on patches. Compare Repository Files or Directories is a version of this command that presents the results in a more human-friendly way.

    The patch is generated from one Repository and contains the difference between From and To. The patch will be written to the local Output File.

    By default, this command takes the ancestry into account, meaning it does not simply calculate (and print out) the difference between two files which have the same path, but also checks if both files are actually related. You can switch this behavior off by selecting Ignore ancestry on the Advanced page. For details regarding the other Advanced options, refer to Create Patch.


Use **Query\|Export Backup** to export a backup of the selected

**Export** displays what will be exported. Depending on the
selection of files/directory this will either be the number of files
being exported or **All files and directories**. **Relative To**
displays the common root of all files to be exported and the
exported file's paths will be relative to this directory.

You can either export **Into zip-file** or **Into directory**. In
both cases, specify the target *zip* file or directory, and
optionally choose to **Wipe directory before copying**.

Select **Include ignored files** and/or **Include ignored
directories** if you want to include the respective ignored items
(and their contents) as well.
  • Use Remove Empty Directories to make all empty subdirectories of the currently selected directory as removed.

    Use Conflict Solver to start a Three-Way-Merge, which can be invoked on conflicting files (see Common Primary File States). For details, refer to Conflict Solver. When invoking this command on a binary file, it will open the Mark Resolved dialog.