Bugtraq (links to issue trackers)

If you have set up a so called Bugtraq Configuration, SmartGit will detect issue IDs in commit messages and display links to the issue tracker in this case. The Bugtraq configuration is stored either in the .gitbugtraq file in your repository root (for all users of the repository) or in your repositories’ .git/config (just for you). It consists of a named bugtraq section which basically defines a regular expression to match issue IDs in your commit message and an URL template to open when clicking at such an issue link.


An example configuration for the JIRA issue tracker at URL https://host/jira for a project called ‘SG’ looks like the following.

[bugtraq "jira"]
url = https://host/jira/browse/SG-%BUGID%
logRegex = SG-(\\d+)                   

The above example will make only the issue numbers as links (i.e. without SG-). Alternatively, if you want to have the entire issue ID as link (i.e. with SG-), you may use:

[bugtraq "jira"]
url = https://host/jira/browse/%BUGID%
loglinkregex = SG-\\d+
logregex = \\d+            

For multiple JIRA projects, a configuration could look like:

[bugtraq "jira"]
projects = SG
url = https://host/jira/browse/%PROJECT%-%BUGID%
loglinkregex = %PROJECT%-\\d+
logregex = \\d+            

Another example configuration (e.g. for a trouble ticketing system) where IDs like ‘#213’ should be matched only at the beginning of a commit message. Note that the logregex needs to be put in quotes, because ‘#’ serves as a comment character in Git configuration files.

[bugtraq "otrs"]
url = "https://otrs/index.pl?Action=AgentTicketZoom;TicketID=%BUGID%"
logregex = "^#[0-9]{1,5}"            

The logRegex must contain only one matching group ‘()’ matching the issue ID. You can use additional non-matching groups ‘(?:)’ for other parts of your regex (or ‘(?i)’ for case insensitive matching). For more details refer to the complete specification at https://github.com/mstrap/bugtraq.