SmartGit Integrations with other Applications and Git Hosting Services

SmartGit integrates with many modern Git Hosting services, such as GitHub, and can also be used with popular issue-tracking systems like JIRA. These integrations extend SmartGit’s functionality, enhancing productivity within a team as part of a broader software engineering development process (often referred to as ‘DevOps’).

Supported Git Hosting services

Please refer to the applicable vendor-specific documentation to connect a SmartGit repository to a Git hosting provider:

Once integration is configured, the following features become available in SmartGit:

Terminology Differences

The terminology used by different hosting providers varies for features. SmartGit automatically adapts the terminology based on the connected hosting provider. However, for brevity, SmartGit’s online documentation uses GitHub’s terminology when referencing features linked to online hosting providers.

GitHub Azure DevOps BitBucket GitLab
Pull Request Pull Request Pull Request Merge Request
Reject PR Abandon PR Decline PR Close PR
Approve PR Changes   Approve  
*   Unapprove Revoke Approval

Feature Support Matrix:

  GitHub Azure DevOps BitBucket GitLab
Repository Selection & Cloning Yes Yes Yes Yes
Inbound & Outbound PR Notifications (Standard Window) Yes      
Initiate Pull Request Yes Yes Yes Yes
View, Add, Edit, and Delete Comments on PRs Yes Yes Yes Yes
Approve Pull Request Yes Yes Yes Yes
Merge Pull Request Yes Yes Yes Yes
Close Pull Request Yes Yes Yes Yes

Visual Indicators and Navigation

Once a repository is cloned from a linked hosting provider, SmartGit provides the following visual indicators and productivity aids:

Supported Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment services:

Additional SmartGit Features

  • A CI indicator appears in the All Branches + Tags tab of the Standard Window for branch(es) configured for CI pipelines.
  • Clicking a branch marked with the CI indicator opens a context menu, allowing navigation to the latest CI result on the CI/CD service provider.

Integration with other Software


  • If you have multiple identities/logins for the same hosting provider, you can add multiple hosting provider accounts in SmartGit.
  • The default name for each hosting provider connection is the provider’s name (e.g., ). You can change this name under Preferences | Hosting Providers by selecting the connection and clicking Edit.